Patio and Living Screen
Diablo Purple Ninebark
Umbrella Flatsedge
Giant Bird Of Paradise
Australian Flame Tree
Diablo Purple Ninebark

Common name:Diablo Purple Ninebark
Botanical name:Physocarpus opulifolius 'Diabolo'

Diablo Purple Ninebark is a small, dense upright shrub. The foliage a burgundy red. It is a great accent plant because of its foliage color. It is one of the best performing, burgundy foliage plants for alkaline soils. It needs full sunlight.

Umbrella Flatsedge

Common name:Umbrella Flatsedge
Botanical name:Cyperus alternifolius

This perennial will grow 5'-6' tall and has tiny flat leaves with greenish flowers at the center. It also produces fruit that appears golden and then turns to dark brown.

Giant Bird Of Paradise

Common name:Giant Bird Of Paradise
Botanical name:Strelitzia nicolai

This clumping evergreen perennial can reach 25' tall fairly quickly, forming a false trunk from the base of the leaves. The leaves are shaped like bananas, reaching 10' long with the widest part reaching 5' . It does best with fertilizer once a month and rich soil. It does not like wet feet so water only when dry. It can be planted in full sun but will do better if it receives afternoon shade. The flowers can reach a size of 10"-12", but plants need to be a few years old before they will flower.

Australian Flame Tree

Common name:Australian Flame Tree
Botanical name:Brachychiton acerifolius

This large tree is highlighted by large clusters of highly aromatic bells of a red or orange-red color. These flowers are apparent from May to June.


Common name:Jacaranda
Botanical name:Jacaranda mimosifolia

This irregular to rounded deciduous tree will reach about 40' tall and has fine, compound green leaves with blue flowers. Jacaranda's main blooming season is in spring and summer, but it will often produce sporadic blooms in fall as well.

Sustainable Landscape Renovation

We can identify at least 11 steps of sustainable landscape renovation for consideration. They include critical design, installation and maintenance practices that conform to good principles of appropriate horticulture.

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Patio and Living Screen

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Incorporate compost 6" into your soil to retain water, reduce compaction, feed earthworms, and provide valuable nutrients to your plants.

Integrated Pest Management:

Attract, or buy beneficial insects such as ladybugs and lacewings to control pest outbreaks in your garden.




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