Common name:Silver Jade Plant
Botanical name:Crassula arborescens
This succulent perennial will grow 3'-8' tall and has thick, dark green leaves with a tint of pink around the edges. It will do best in partial shade to full sun and dry or moist soil.
Common name:Small Cape Rush
Botanical name:Chondropetalum tectorum
Chondropetalum tectorum has 3'-4' tall stems that shoot out in all directions from the roots. Each stem has papery bracts connected to the ends that turn from tan to dark drown, then fall off. Chondropetalum can grow in marshes, in the ground with regular watering, or in drought conditions.
Common name:Dudleya
Botanical name:Dudleya cultivars
Dudleya cultivars are very numerous and they are typically low rosette shaped succulents. They are wonderful accent plants and work well in pots.
Common name:King or Giant Protea
Botanical name:Protea cynaroides
This attractive flowering plant produces large tight clusters that are tubular in form and are surrounded by colored bracts. Therefore, a very colorful artichoke or thistle will bloom.As cut flowers, their color will endure for weeks and their shape will remain long afterward.
Common name:Hybrid Tea Rose (selections)
Botanical name:Rosa Hybrid Tea varieties
These shrubs and vines are the most loved in the Western USA and are very resilient. They come in a wide variety of sizes and colors and are easy to maintain with proper care. They can be used in a water-conserving garden with careful attention to irrigation practices.
Common name:Honey Bush
Botanical name:Melianthus major
Melianthus major is an evergreen shrub. It is a soft-wooded plant of rapid growth to 12'-14'. It has a boldly patterned foliage with grayish green leaves of 1' long, divided into 9-11 strongly toothed leaflets. Foliage smells disagreeable when brushed or bruised. Foot-long spikes of reddish brown, 1" flowers appear in late winter, early spring.
Sustainable landscaping is a term coined to mean sensible landscape practices that work within the limits of the Eco-system. This means within the limits of your local rainfall, soil conditions and sun patterns.
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Designer: | Tiled Entry Flanked by Suculents |
Photographer: GardenSoft |
Maintain a two to four inch layer of mulch on the soil surface to reduce weeds, infiltrate rain water, and reduce compaction.
Attract, or buy beneficial insects such as ladybugs and lacewings to control pest outbreaks in your garden.
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