Tiled Seating with Coffe Table
Parasol Aeonium
Variegated Tobira
Creeping Fig
Flowering or Evergreen Pear
Parasol Aeonium

Common name:Parasol Aeonium
Botanical name:Aeonium arboreum

Parasol Aeonium is an upright succulent with rosette leaf clusters. It forms a mound and can be easily propagated by cuttings.

Variegated Tobira

Common name:Variegated Tobira
Botanical name:Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata'

This variegated evergreen shrub or small tree has creamy margins on its gray green leaves. In spring, clusters of small, cream-colored flowers appear with the fragrance of orange blossoms. Variegated Tobira is often used to brighten shaded areas.

Creeping Fig

Common name:Creeping Fig
Botanical name:Ficus pumila

This is one of the few plants that can attach itself securely to wood, masonry, or metal. Because there is no limit to its size, it can overcome an entire buliding. It is most often found in colder climates. This vine will not climb on the south or west walls. This plant is fast growing and can be invasive.

Flowering or Evergreen Pear

Common name:Flowering or Evergreen Pear
Botanical name:Pyrus kawakamii

This variety grows as a small tree to about 20' tall and as wide. In mildest climates, it is an evergreen, and the leaves are glossy, oval, and pointed. During the winter, clusters of white flowers can be seen.

Pest Management

Are pests bugging you? If pests are taking over there might be a good reason! Instead of grabbing that bottle of spray, consider using techniques that can solve your pest problems without toxic pesticides.

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Tiled Seating with Coffe Table

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Maintain a two to four inch layer of mulch on the soil surface to reduce weeds, infiltrate rain water, and reduce compaction.

Integrated Pest Management:

Drip and other smart irrigation delivers water directly to roots, allowing no excess water for weeds.




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