A Path Through Garden Joy
California Poppy, Golden Poppy
Lamb's Ears
Howard McMinn Manzanita
Coast  Rosemary
Silver Mound Artemisia
Western Redbud

Common name:Snow-In-Summer
Botanical name:Cerastium tomentosum

Masses of snow white flowers highlight this plant during the early summer season.

California Poppy, Golden Poppy

Common name:California Poppy, Golden Poppy
Botanical name:Eschscholzia californica

This small annual (sometimes acts as a perennial) plant will grow to less than 1' tall and has light, small blue green leaves with gold and orange flowers that bloom in spring and summer.

Lamb's Ears

Common name:Lamb's Ears
Botanical name:Stachys byzantina

This tiny, herbaceous shrub will grow less than 1' tall and has medium sized, grayish green leaves with blue and lavender flowers that bloom in the spring.

Howard McMinn Manzanita

Common name:Howard McMinn Manzanita
Botanical name:Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Howard McMinn

This shrub is highly appreciated for its decorative characteristics, which include a dense show of small, pale pink urn-shaped flowers. Above all, it is the mahogany-red to brown bark (which peels beautifully) that is the major attraction. Its fruit resembles the tike apple, and the flowers contrast perfectly to the light green leaf (which can get rather tough). It blooms from late winter to spring.

Coast  Rosemary

Common name:Coast Rosemary
Botanical name:Westringia 'Wynyabbie Gem'

This evergreen shrub will grow 3'-6' high and 6'-8' wide and has lavender flowers that bloom from February through spring. It is drought tolerant and does well in full sun or partial shade.

Silver Mound Artemisia

Common name:Silver Mound Artemisia
Botanical name:Artemisia schmidtiana 'Silver Mound'

This mounding perennial will grow 1'-3' high and has medium-sized silvery white leaves with yellow and white flowers.

Western Redbud

Common name:Western Redbud
Botanical name:Cercis occidentalis

This deciduous shrub ranges from 6'-20' tall and 10'-15' wide. It is desirable for its magenta spring flowers, yellow to red fall color, and dangling winter seed pods. It is tolerant of many soil types, drought and oak root fungus. It attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. The Western Redbud can be found statewide in CA in the foothills below 4500' elevations in chaparral and woodland communities.

Solving Runoff Problems

Importance of Watershed

A watershed is a land area that drains rain and other water into a creek, river, lake, wetland, or groundwater aquifer. Water from your neighborhood also enters the watershed through the storm drain system and flows directly to local creeks without any treatment. It often is contaminated by pollutants that can be toxic to fish, wildlife, and people.

Click in the green box for more information

Designer: Terry Gardner

A Path Through Garden Joy

Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Physical weed control, including mulching, or hand removal protects the watershed from harmful chemicals.

Integrated Pest Management:

Attract, or buy beneficial insects such as ladybugs and lacewings to control pest outbreaks in your garden.




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