Aeonium cultivars
Aloe Vera or Medicinal Aloe
Autumn Joy Sedum
Bitter Tree Aloe
Blue Glow Agave
Brakelight Red Yucca
Brickhouse Aloe, Sudanese Red Aloe
Brilliant Showy Stonecrop
Center Band Agave
Century Plant, Maguey
Chalk Dudleya, Chalk-Lettuce
Couesii Century Plant
Cynthia Giddy Aloe
Desert Century Plant
Dwarf Orange Bulbine
Echeveria setosa 'Oliver'
Elephant's Food, Elephant Bush
Fan Aloe
Felt Plant or Bush, Velvetleaf
Flower Dust Plant
Fox Tail Agave, Velvet Agave
Ghost Echeveria
Golden Barrel Cactus
Golden Toothed Aloe
Gypsum Century Plant
Hen and Chicks
Huachuca Agave
Indian Fig Prickly Pear
Jade Plant
Joe Hoak Agave
Medio Picta Century Plant
Mt. Elgon Aloe
Murphy's Agave
October Daphne
Orange Ice Plant
Our Lord's Candle
Parasol Aeonium
Parrasana Agave
Peruvian-Apple Cactus, Pitaya
Purple Iceplant
Purple Queen Hens and Chicks
Purple Tree Aeonium
Red Aeonium
Red Apple Ice Plant, Aptenia
Red Yucca
Rocky Point Ice Plant
Rose Trailing Ice Plant
San Ysidro Lane Agave
Santa Rita Prickly Pear
Silver Jade Plant
Smooth-edged Agave
Soap Aloe, African Aloe
Spear Lily
Stalked Aeonium
Sticks on Fire Pencil Tree
Toothless Sotol
Torch Plant
Trailing Ice Plant
Tree Aloe
Tricolor Dragon's Blood Sedum
Variegated Century Plant
White Trailing Ice Plant
Yellow bulbine
Yellow Bulbine
Yellow Margin Century Plant
Yellow Stalked Bulbine